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How Can an IV Infusion Help Me?

IV Infusions

April 13, 2016 | 3 minute read

shutterstock_171591929When you’re not feeling your best, chances are you aren’t performing your best. Your body needs the proper balance of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support healthy cellular function at all levels. IV infusions can keep your body working well so that you can feel better and be more proactive in your life.   

How IV Infusions Work

IV infusions are a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in water. This infusion is delivered into your bloodstream through a needle inserted into your vein (intravenously). Unlike pills that must be broken down by your digestive system, IV infusions enter your bloodstream immediately so that they can be quickly and efficiently delivered throughout your body. Without being limited by poor diet or gastrointestinal problems, IV infusions easily transmit essential nutrients through your bloodstream throughout your body to improve body functions.

Health Problems That Can Be Treated With IV Infusions

Many health complaints such as poor immune system function, chronic headaches, and chronic fatigue are the direct result of poor nutrition or limited nutritional distribution. Some individuals do not know what nutrients their bodies need and do not adjust their diet accordingly. Other people’s bodies have poor nutrition absorption, and even if they consume the right nutrients, their bodies do not see the health benefits. If this sounds familiar, IV infusions can help you. At Vitality Medical & Wellness Center, IV infusions are tailored to each patient to provide you with the optimal blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to nurture your body and improve your health. Patients with the following health problems can experience the greatest benefits from IV infusions:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chronic headaches
  • Allergies
  • Cold or flu symptoms
  • Back pain
  • Sleep disorders
  • Muscle pain or muscle spasms
  • Depression
  • Hangovers

With IV infusions, the proper nutrients are quickly delivered to the many systems and cells of your body with a 100 percent absorption rate so that you know you are getting the nutrition you need. You can experience an immediate restoration of energy, mental clarity, and more as your body absorbs the nutrients. Additionally, you can expect a decrease in pain levels, improved hydration, and improvements in how you feel overall. To maintain healthy nutrient levels, receive repeat IV infusions and reap the maximum benefit for your body’s health and vitality.

To experience the revitalizing effect of IV infusions, schedule your personal consultation at Vitality Medical & Wellness Center today. Please contact us at (702) 731-1200 or fill out our online contact form to book your appointment now.

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