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Feature: Age Gracefully, Beautifully, and Healthfully With Hormone Replacement Pellets
Female Procedures, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Male Procedures, Pellet Implantation, Uncategorized

Age Gracefully, Beautifully, and Healthfully With Hormone Replacement Pellets

The unwanted side effects of aging can lead to a reduced quality of life in comparison to your younger years. One of the reasons is that essential hormones become increasingly deficient as you age, reducing your chances for healthy and comfortable living. Hormone replacement therapy with pellet implants can help you age gracefully, beautifully, and […]

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Feature: Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Male Procedures

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

It’s hard to overstate the role that hormones play in your overall health. From protecting against cancer to maintaining libido, energy, weight, muscle tone, strong bones, and other factors, balanced hormone levels significantly affect health and quality of life. If you suffer from symptoms associated with low testosterone levels, testosterone replacement therapy could be the […]

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Feature: Food Allergy Sensitivity Testing

Food Allergy Sensitivity Testing

While food is essential for our survival, not all foods are nourishing for our bodies. Most people recognize the health problems associated with consuming too much sugar or fatty foods, but even healthy foods can cause issues for people with food allergies or sensitivities. With food allergy sensitivity testing, you can learn what foods to […]

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Feature: Hormone Testing
Hormone Replacement Therapy, Testing

Hormone Testing

Hormones are chemical messengers that manage many bodily functions. Balanced hormones help you maintain good health, but shifting or unbalanced hormones can negatively affect your health. Hormone testing can identify hormonal imbalances to provide insight as to whether hormone therapy to balance your hormone levels could improve your health, vitality, and quality of life. The […]

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Feature: 21 Reasons to Get More Sleep

21 Reasons to Get More Sleep

Sleep deprivation does more damage than just making you feel tired or cranky. Fatigue affects all areas of your health, including your energy, mental capacity, emotional well-being, and even your lifespan. If you’re not convinced that you might need to head to bed a little earlier tonight, here are 21 reasons to get more sleep. […]

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Feature: How Telomere Testing Can Benefit You

How Telomere Testing Can Benefit You

Have you ever wondered why you look older or younger than your friends? Even if you are the same age as another person, you both are genetically designed to age at different rates. Cellular turnover and cell regeneration play a significant role in how quickly you may age. Telomere testing evaluates the quality of your […]

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Feature: How Your Thyroid Can Affect Your Weight Loss
Testing, Weight Loss

How Your Thyroid Can Affect Your Weight Loss

For most people, their weight-loss journey is a struggle. Many find it difficult to fight food cravings, eat healthy, and get a proper amount of exercise. However, for millions of Americans, the struggle results from more than just poor motivation. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, almost 15 million people suffer from an […]

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Feature: How Can an IV Infusion Help Me?
IV Infusions

How Can an IV Infusion Help Me?

When you’re not feeling your best, chances are you aren’t performing your best. Your body needs the proper balance of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support healthy cellular function at all levels. IV infusions can keep your body working well so that you can feel better and be more proactive in your life.    How […]

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